Playdough at Home

It’s squishy. It’s floppy. It’s malleable. It’s…playdough! Not just any playdough, but the kind you make at home with your kids using ingredients you can trust. I can’t think of anything better than showing my kids how to use kitchen utensils and tools, measuring wet and dry ingredients, and creating their own playdough art masterpieces.


There is a high probability that you already have these ingredients in your pantry; take a peek and get started today! The ingredient list is straightforward:

  • 1 cup flour

  • 2 tsp cream of tartar

  • 1/2 cup salt

  • 1 cup water

  • 1 tbsp cooking oil

  • food coloring

This recipe can easily be doubled, tripled, or quadrupled depending on the number of kids, the size of your microwave safe dish, and the capacity of your microwave.

The directions are super easy: First, you want to add all ingredients together into a microwave safe dish.

It’ll look something like this:

Use a large spoon to mix the ingredients together. Put the bowl in the microwave and cook for 1 minute. Remove the bowl from the microwave, stir, and put back in to cook for another minute. Continue this process until the playdough comes together and you can no longer stir it.

Take the playdough out of the bowl (warning: it will be hot) and knead it until it is cool and smooth. Then it is time to let your kids create their masterpieces!

Playdough at Home on Hello Rascal Kids. Family Lifestyle website for parents and kids.

Written by Brandi Stanton, mother of two rascals ages 2 and 3.