Kids Fun Run
It is never too early to teach kids the importance of healthy living. Staying fit as a family may start with healthy eating, but an active lifestyle is also a key ingredient to maintaining lifelong health. A great way to encourage a healthy lifestyle is to sign up for fun runs - many of them are family & child friendly!
One of our favorite events that foster family fun is the Color Run. This is an untimed 5k that encourages everyone to participate. Children can join in and either run or walk (as long as they can finish the 5k) or they can be pushed in a stroller. Inspired by events like mud runs, Disney World of Color, and the Holi festival, each runner will be marked with different colors as they run through color zones throughout the run. There is usually a post race festival that includes both runners and spectators. The Color Run is an event that occurs throughout the US during different times of the year. To find an event near you, visit The Color Run.
Another family friendly run is the Bubble Run. Similarly to the Color Run, the Bubble Run is also an untimed 5k that allows children, even those in strollers, to participate. However, this run offers a slightly different experience, by using colored bubbles (instead of powder) throughout the run. The post-race after party is described to be a mini “bubble festival!” For more information and to find an event near you, please visit Bubble Run.
A fun event hosted in Southern California is the Kids Marathon Mile at Legoland. On the day of the event, Legoland hosts this 1-mile fun run for all children before they open their doors to the public. Everyone can participate by running, walking, being carried, or being pushed in a stroller. The entry fee includes a shirt, medal, and discounted Sea Life Hopper tickets. For more information on this event, please visit Marathon Mile at Legoland.
Another annual Southern California fun run is the all-ages Reindeer Romp in Chino, CA, held in December. There is a ¼ mile run for children 6 years and under, along with a 5k and 10k open to all ages. Parents can even push little ones in a stroller! It is an event that the whole family can enjoy together around the holidays. We signed up our daughter, who was 4 at the time, when she asked for a medal of her own after seeing her father and I come home with Disneyland half marathon medals. Her excitement before the race was contagious and it was cute watching all the kids take off running. The kids typically finish in less than 5 minutes, but the pride and happiness they emit after the run and after receiving their medals is an experience that all parents will remember forever.
Written by Michelle Urriquia, mother of two rascals ages 2 and 6.