Benefits of the Arts for Children

All children can benefit from the inclusion of the arts in their education. Kids with learning difficulties can use the arts to help hone focus, use their brains in new ways, build confidence, and express themselves through creative means. Kids who struggle with learning in a traditional classroom environment enjoy the less pressurized environment typically found in an art class. It gives them the opportunity to see themselves as successful learners, and that confidence can carry over into other aspects of life.

Kids with self-confidence tend to do better both academically and socially in school, and they are more likely to be honest and reach out for help when they’re having problems. Furthermore, confidence is contagious. Your child will be a better peer and friend to their classmates, even inspiring them to feel more self-assured in their own pursuits. Ready to learn more? Hello Rascal Kids invites you to read on for some ways to incorporate art into your kids’ lives!


While many people today barely know how to use a needle and thread, sewing used to be a cornerstone in education. It’s the perfect extracurricular activity for the child who likes to use their hands to make functional items, be it clothing, pillows, or stuffed toys, and there are numerous resources available online to get your child started.

●     Benefits of sewing for kids

●     Basic sewing projects for young kids


Dance and movement classes are perfect for children who are dual diagnosed with a learning disability and a hyperactive disability, as it burns energy while enabling a child’s creative process. Furthermore, discipline of both the body and mind is the foundation of a dance education. Children learn how to follow instructions, remember sequences, and work with others when studying dance.

●     7 Ways Kids Benefit from Dance Lessons

●     Best types of dance for young kids

Visual Arts

If you hear “visual art” and conjure up images of oil paints and canvases, you aren’t wrong -- but that is a seriously limited view of all the visual arts have to offer. Ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, and graphic design all fall under the visual arts umbrella. Letting kids experiment with all of them is both fun and educational.

●     Sculpting and pottery ideas for kids

●     Creative craft ideas for teenagers

Playing an Instrument

Learning to play an instrument will help your child develop study and memorization skills while building their ability to focus. It’s also a good activity for kids regardless of how social they are, since it can be learned in a group setting or with one-on-one lessons.

●     Which instrument is best for my child?

●     How to set up a music room at home

●     Start a California business if lessons become a side hustle

Adding the arts into education is a way to enable kids with learning difficulties to express themselves in new ways and see themselves as successful learners. From dance to sewing to playing the flute, there are benefits from every different kind of art class.

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