Summer Bucket List

Since having kids, I’ve realized the importance of creating traditions. My boys inspire me to make summer time special. With my job as an event planner, summer is the busiest time of year. I’ve always felt overwhelmed with trying to balance work and family. But this year, I’m approaching this season with a new outlook. Summer is a great opportunity for our family to slow down and soak in time together, and gives us reasons to go through our Summer Bucket List. We’ve made our list simple and included items we all enjoy as a family. Here are a few item we have in our list:

  • Take a trip to the beach

  • Make fresh lemonade

  • Shop at a farmers market

  • Visit the library

  • Eat ice cream

  • Have an outdoor movie night

  • Pack a picnic in the park

Thank you to Chelsea’s Messy Apron for this bucket list, visit her website to download file.

What’s on your summer bucket list? We would love to hear and see your ideas. Please tag #hellorascalkids so we can follow along with your adventures

Written by Head Rascal (Ngoc Nguyen Lay), mother of two rascals, ages 6 and 9. Photo from Chelsea’s Messy Apron.