Let’s Go Shopping!

Grocery Shopping with Kids on Hello Rascal Kids. Family Lifestyle website for parents and kids.

You don’t have to venture far to have a fun adventure with your rascals. Even the most mundane errand for an adult, such as grocery shopping, can be a world of excitement for a little one. My rascals and I love going to Trader Joe’s stores because they have little shopping carts made specifically for the younger shopper. Each child can push around their own cart and “help” fill it up with everything we need to purchase.

What can potentially be a daunting task as a parent can now be a fun learning experience for your children. This trip provides a great opportunity to teach kids the difference between healthy foods and junk foods. They can help choose the types of snacks they want to bring home. Freeze-dried strawberries, veggie chips, and trail mix are a few of our kid-friendly favorites. 

Once the shopping is complete, the child can push the cart to the register and help unload items for the cashier. At Trader Joe’s, they give kids stickers once they ring up the items, which is an extra incentive for the kids to help out. Older children can even help parents pay and practice their math skills. At the end of the shopping trip, the kids can return their cart to the proper location. This excursion teaches kids responsibility while making an every day task a little more enjoyable for everyone.

Written by Michelle Urriquia, mother of two rascals ages 2 and 6.

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