Halloween Fruit Pops

These delicious and healthy Halloween fruit pops are made with apples, bananas, and yogurt. As an added bonus, your kids can decorate banana ghosts and other spooky characters with a homemade chocolate sauce.


From Kaylie McLaughlin of A Peachy Plate: “My children inspire me in many aspects of my life; my 4-year-old is especially inspiring when it comes to crafts and the kitchen! I put together this recipe to give us the opportunity to create something fun, healthy, and festive for Halloween together. It became the perfect recipe to get in the Halloween spirit and start our unconventional 2020 celebration.  

My boys absolutely loved making these fruit pops! My 4-year-old’s favorite part was thinking up spooky faces and making his ideas come to life through his drawings. My 1-year-old is still a bit too young for the hands-on creating, but he’s always happy to enjoy a sweet treat, especially when it involves yogurt and chocolate covered bananas. He’s teething right now, so the cold fruit also helped with the pain. All in all, both my boys had a great time with this recipe!“

Read on to find out how to recreate this recipe with your own rascals.


  • 1 quart size Ziploc bag

  • 1 rubber band

  • Pair of scissors

  • 4 skewers

  • 3 popsicle sticks


  • 1 banana

  • 1 apple

  • 1/4 cup cacao powder (If you do not have cacao powder, you can replace it with ½ cup of semisweet chocolate chips and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil) 

  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil

  • 2 teaspoons maple syrup

  • 2 cups vanilla yogurt (I use original Mountain High brand)


  • Cut the banana in thirds and gently push a popsicle stick halfway into each banana piece.

  • Cut apples in fours, lengthwise. You can choose to use or toss the piece with the core in it. Gently push the skewer stick through each apple.

  • Freeze fruit for 4 hours (or overnight).

  • Coat each frozen fruit pop with yogurt. Use a spoon or spatula to evenly coat the side you will be decorating on.

  • Freeze pops for 1 hour.

  • In a small bowl, add cacao powder, coconut oil, and maple syrup.  Microwave on high for 30 seconds. Mix well.

  • Scoop the chocolate sauce into the Ziploc bag, making sure to place the sauce all in one corner of the bag. This will be used as your piping bag. Secure the bag with a rubber band.

  • Cut a small hole in the corner of the Ziploc bag. The smaller the hole, the finer your piping will be.

  • Decorate each fruit pop with your favorite Halloween character.

  • Tip: If the yogurt begins to melt, put back in the freezer to chill.

  • Enjoy right away or chill the pops until ready to serve!


* Make sure the banana is not overly ripe, as the popsicle stick will stay in place better if the banana is firmer. 

*If you don’t have any popsicles sticks, to-go chopsticks or wooded skewers work as well! Make sure to cut the pointy ends off the skewers. Young children should be supervised when handling the skewers or sticks and also while enjoying their treat.

We are so ready for Halloween and excited to be making these delicious fruit treats in the kitchen! My rascals love helping out, especially when they get to enjoy the yummy snacks.  These easy frozen fruit pops with a homemade chocolate shell sauce is a great way to get artsy and creative with food. We hope you and your loved ones try these fun Halloween treats. Wishing you a happy and tasty Halloween!

Halloween Fruit Pops on Hello Rascal Kids. Lifestyle blog for the modern parent, kids and families.

Food suggestion by Kaylie McLaughlin of A Peachy Plate and consumed by two rascals, ages 1 and 4.