Easy Halloween Decorations for Kids

How are you decorating for Halloween? I have never been one to be excited about this spooky season, but my kids have changed my tune. I try to make it easy on myself and picked a few items to set the tone without scaring me with the amount of work they require. Below are a few creations we made this season.

Hat Tricks for your Pumpkin

Silly Spooky Door Decoration

Felt Goodies are a Treat not a Trick

If you and your kiddos would like to get into the full decorating spirit, visit Roger’s Garden. We wrote a review of our experience at their Halloween Boutique earlier this month. Shop this post below!

Written by Head Rascal (Ngoc Nguyen Lay), mother of two rascals, ages 7 and 9. Photos by Adrienne Gunde Photography.

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