Abstract Art for Kids


Art is a favorite hobby in our house. We maintain a vast collection of art supplies all day, every day: stickers, stamps, markers, crayons, water colors, washable paint, scissors, glue, tissue paper, coloring books, sidewalk chalk, construction paper, and activity books, just to name a few!

Sometimes our art activities are super simple - like putting stickers on piece of construction paper or using stamps on white paper. I assure you that those activities are great for letting your kids express their creativity and while honing their fine motor skills, even though they seem “easy.”

Other times we get really invested in our art creations. Today, my rascals learned a little bit about abstract art while also dabbling in sponge art, primary colors, secondary colors, geometric shapes, and empty space.

To begin, we grabbed small canvases and blue painters tape. Using their small fingers and practicing dexterity, the rascals placed strips of tape across the canvas in a criss-cross fashion. This part of the activity can be pretty independent for your rascal, depending on age and ability.

Next, my rascals chose their paint tool; they both selected sponge brushes. My 4 year old understands how to “dab” with a sponge brush while my 2 year old “swipes” it like a standard paint brush. Word to the wise: offer one color of paint at a time, otherwise you’ll end up with a mostly brown canvas.

With a vast amount of freedom (in order to best encourage self-expression), my rascals used their sponge brushes to paint their canvases. My role was to encourage using one color at a time, provide nickel-size blobs of paint on their palettes (AKA plates), and help rinse the brushes & sponges after each use.

We allowed the wet canvases to sit undisturbed overnight.

Abstract Art for Kids on Hello Rascal Kids. Family Lifestyle website for parents and kids. Arts ideas for kids.

The next morning, they used their little fingers to pull the tape from their canvases. Voila! Their masterpieces were revealed!

Abstract Art for Kids on Hello Rascal Kids. Family Lifestyle website for parents and kids. Arts ideas for kids.

Shop these supplies on Amazon:

Washable Paint
Sponge brushes

*A drop cloth is super helpful because paint and paint brushes do not always stay on the canvas. Grab a drop cloth from your local art or hardware store and use it again, and again, and again.

Happy Art Days!

Written by Brandi Stanton, mother of 2 rascals, ages 2 and 4.

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